Dentistry 4.0: Exploring the Transformative Impact of Digital Technologies in Dentistry
Tanggal: Tempat: Online & FKG UI SalembaHTM: 125.000-130.000 ✨ 17th DENTISTRY SCIENTIFIC MEETING: “17th Dentistry Scientific Meeting 2023: Dentistry 4.0:…
Jadwal Event, Info Pameran, Acara & Promo Terbaru
Informasi Jadwal, Event, Acara, Pameran, Seminar, Promo, Bazaar, Workshop, Job Fair, Lomba dll.
Tanggal: Tempat: Online & FKG UI SalembaHTM: 125.000-130.000 ✨ 17th DENTISTRY SCIENTIFIC MEETING: “17th Dentistry Scientific Meeting 2023: Dentistry 4.0:…
Tanggal : Tempat : Online (IE Fair Website) dan Industrial Engineering ITS SurabayaPendaftaran : IDR 350.000 Hello, Industrializer!🖐 The biggest…
Tanggal: Tempat: Lomba diadakan secara onlinePendaftaran: [SINACOMP 2023 AVICENNA FK UNRAM PROUDLY PRESENT] Hello young Indonesian researchers and creators!! We…
Pengumpulan Esai: 27 November – 10 Desember 2022 Tempat: Virtual HTM: Free [IEEE BIG: Essay Competition] As the young generation…
Hello, future leaders! Today, We are so excited to declare our information of regular phase’s registration for MAMUP 2022. ✨Regular…
Good day, champs! The wait is finally over! We proudly present to you an amazing event ??? ???? ?? ??????…
CALLING ALL DELEGATES AND JOURNALISTS!!? Do you want to have an international exposure and broad knowledge about IR things?? Then…
Tanggal : 17 September 2022Tempat : Daring Online [OPEN REGISTRATION SOCIO ACADEMY 2022] ✨Socio Academy Proudly Present✨“Essay and Infografis Competition”…
Pendaftaran: Gratis Hai SOBAT Innovators, SOBAT Competition 2022 kembali hadir sebagai ajang unjuk gigi inovasi. SOBAT Competition diselenggarakan oleh PT…