Schoolarship and Career Expo UTM 2018
Schoolarship and Career Expo UTM 2018 Tanggal: 04 Oktober 2018 Tempat: Gedung Student Center, Jl. Raya Telang, Po Box 2 Kamal,…
Jadwal Event, Info Pameran, Acara & Promo Terbaru
Informasi Jadwal, Event, Acara, Pameran, Seminar, Promo, Bazaar, Workshop, Job Fair, Lomba dll.
Schoolarship and Career Expo UTM 2018 Tanggal: 04 Oktober 2018 Tempat: Gedung Student Center, Jl. Raya Telang, Po Box 2 Kamal,…
Mechatronics Robotic Competition Tanggal: Pendaftaran: 21 Maret – 2 Mei 2016 Pelaksanaan: 14 – 15 Mei 2016 Tempat: Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Event Mechatronics…