World Education Expo Indonesia [Pameran Pendidikan Seluruh Dunia]
World Education Expo Indonesia [Pameran Pendidikan Seluruh Dunia]
Tanggal & tempat:
- 9 – 10 Oktober | 10:00-17:00 WIB | Balai Kartini, Jakarta
- 12 Oktober | 13:00-18:00 WIB | Aryaduta Hotel, Medan
- 14 Oktober | 13:00-18:00 WIB | Sheraton Hotel, Surabaya
- 17 Oktober | 13:00-18:00 WIB | Aston Hotel, Denpasar
Harga tiket masuk: GRATIS!
Deskripsi World Education Expo Indonesia is an exhibition for high school and university students who are seeking to further their education abroad in distinguished overseas institutions. Held in four cities (Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar and Medan), this exhibition will include a series of seminars, mini events, and practice test sessions. Over 200 universities, colleges and academic institutions will participate in this event alongside sponsors and partners. This is the largest and most universal education exhibition in Indonesia.
Info dan kontak:
- Telp. +62-21-293-193-84 ( sewa stand/booth )
- Fax. +62-21-293-193-85 ( sewa stand/booth )
- Email
- Website:
*dipublikasikan oleh @InfoJadwalEvent