[Webinar] Triple Helix Innovation for Sustainable Food System in Indonesia Amid COVID-19

The sustainable food system needs to be formulated and accelerate to ensure food security, making sure that everyone has access to sufficient, safe, nutritious sustainable food, preserve the affordability of food while generating economic returns amid pandemic COVID-19. New technologies and scientific discoveries, combined with increasing public awareness and demand for sustainable food, will benefit all stakeholders in Indonesia. ⠀

However, challenges to maintaining well-functioning food systems are huge. Academicians, Business and Governments (ABG triple helix) in Indonesia, are called to identify the challenges, take appropriate agricultural and industry policies and actions measures to ensure the continuity of food systems.⠀

IPMI International Business School in collaboration with IPB University, AIPI, and GAPMMI will be hosting “Triple Helix Innovation for Sustainable Food System in Indonesia Amid COVID-19” virtual seminar to discuss these important issues regarding our nation’s food security.⠀

Date/Time: Tuesday, 16th June 2020 | 2.00 pm.⠀
Venue: ZOOM.⠀

[Webinar] Triple Helix Innovation for Sustainable Food System in Indonesia Amid COVID-19

  • Dr. Ir. Airlangga Hartarto, M.B.A., M.M.T. (Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia)⠀
  • Dr. Ir. Agung Hendriadi, M.Eng. (Head of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Food Security Agency of The Republic of Indonesia)⠀
  • Prof. Dr. Arif Satria SP., M. Si. (Rector of IPB University)⠀
  • Adhi S. Lukman (Chairman of GAPMMI)⠀

Prof. Ir. M. Aman Wirakartakusumah., M.Sc. , Ph. D. (Executive Director of IPMI International Business School, Chairman Engineering Commission AIPI)⠀

Reserve your “virtual seat” at http://ipmi.ac.id/s/FoodSystem
FREE Registration.⠀

Or contact for more details:⠀
Nyimas (0877-8197-5805)⠀
Ricky (0821-1234-2300)⠀

We’re looking forward to seeing you online on June 16th!

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