UNNES Career Expo – April 2020
UNNES Career Expo – April 2020
Tanggal: 17-18 April 2020
Tempat: Auditorium UNNES, Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang

Unnes Career Expo (UCE) is a program of Pusat Pengembangan Karir & BK, LP3 Universitas Negeri Semarang, intended for active students, alumni of Unnes and also alumni of PTN/PTS throughout Indonesia.
With the theme ‘Find Your Passion and Reach Your Job’, the 7th Unnes Career Expo will present more than 40 institutions / companies with more than 8000 visitors from all over Indonesia.
Your companies are looking for the new competent employees? Join us and we would love to help you!
Info dan kontak:
Instagram: @karirunnes