Retro Run 2016 – Jakarta

Retro Run 2016 – Jakarta

Tanggal: 18 September 2016

Tempat: Start dan Finish di FX – Sudirman, Jakarta Pusat

Biaya pendaftaran:

  • Normal : Rp. 150.000
  • Early Bird (1 – 31 Agustus 2016) : Rp. 100.000

RetroRun 2016 - Jakarta

RetroRun 2016 adalah aksi charity run melalui kegiatan lari mundur pertama di Indonesia. Jarak yang ditempuh dalam kegiatan ini sejauh 3,5 Km. Peserta aksi charity run ini akan mengenakan atribut tahun 90-an, 80-an, dan 70-an. Setiap langkah kaki dalam kegiatan ini dihitung sebagai aksi charity.


  • Participant must be in a minimum age of 13 (under 18 must be accompanied by adult).
  • Must be in a good health condition.
  • Backward Running self practice prior to the event is highly recommended.
  • There’s no winning or losing in this program, but if you wear a catchy outfit from the 90s, 80s or 70s, you may get a cool prize!
  • At each stop, there will be an instructor who will give a simple neck & leg stretching exercise and lead the crowd to go on after a certain time.
  • Tall guard tower will be placed in every certain distance to monitor the running.



Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan langsung di RetroRun Booth, FX Sudirman (samping Gambino, mulai 7-16 September 2016), Online di dan Go-Tix (only for mobile user)


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