Painting Exhibition (Hasan Djafaar, Irsam, Suroso & Otto Djaya)
Painting Exhibition (Hasan Djafaar, Irsam, Suroso & Otto Djaya)
Tanggal : 2 April – 4 Mei 2014
Tempat : Gallery K 58, Jl Kemang raya 58, Jakarta Selatan
Waktu : 10.00 – 20.00 WIB
Talenta Organizer present Painting Exhibition Hasan Djafaar, Irsam, Suroso & Otto Djaya
Hasan Djaafar
Born in Koto Gadang West Sumatra, 1919.He once taught by the famous lanscape painter, Wakidi. He Visited Europe in 1948 which after influenced his work to be impressionist and expressionist. In 1956, He held first exhibition in Indonesia then continued to participate in tour exhibitons, among other are Singapore, Australia, Brazil, Japan, and several European
countries. He died in 1995
Born in Klaten, Central Java on June 1942, He Graduated from Indonesian Fine Art Academy (ASRI) Jogyakarta (1959) and became the lecturer of the intitute from 1965-1967. He had held his first exhibition in1967 in Jakarta. He received an award from the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. In 1980 he also joined in the Contemporary Asian Art Exhibition in Fukuoka Art Museum Japan. His Works have Specific style. His Great fondness in wayang has given a large contibution in his artwork. He was famous of artist with decorative style with rich colors, pattern of dots and lines and textures. He died in Bogor West Java November 2006
Born in Surabaya, East Java on June 1929, in 1946, He held firts exhibition in Jakarta then continued exhibitions in Biak Papua, Bali, Makasar, Padang, Australia. He was famous of artist with naturalist sometime put techniques impressionist.He died in Jakarta 1992
Otto Djaya
Born in Rangkas Bitung, Banten on October 1916.During the Physical revolution, as a Major in the Indonesiaa Army, He took part in the armed struggle for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. After the Proklamation , Otto had and an opportunity of joining to study at the “Rijksacadsemie van Beeldende Kusten” in Amsterdam. He also had an oportunity of joining the study tour of the Nederlands, Belgium, France, Italy and Swiss. Otto was a vice chairman of the Art Section of the Cultural Centre in Jakarta. He joined in the “Exposition le Grand Prix de Peinture en Monaco” in Monte Carlo and Bienial Exhibition in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Beside his one man exhibitions in Jakarta. Otto often took part in the joint exhibitions in Jakarta and Melbourne Australia.He Died in 2002
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