“Online training course: THEORY OF CHANGE 26 November 2020”
Date: 26 November 2020, 11.30 am – 2 pm (CEST)
The place: Online training

Course objective
In this workshop you will:
- Learn the benefits of the use of Theory of Change in your project
- Know all the necessary steps to design a change through the Theory of Change
- Know how the Theory of Change can be concretely applied to your project
Meet your trainers
Sam Boering
Sam is a senior trainer based in MDF Netherlands. He is passionate about development and has more than 20 years of experience in accompanying organisations in designing and using the Theory of Change
Maddalena Bearzotti
Maddalena is a trainer, facilitator and also the Director of MDF Brussels. She enjoys facilitating trainings and workshops on the Theory of Change for various clients.
Course fee
95 euro (excluding tax)
Register deadline
23 November 2020
Register https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfZCOlP853sHypMM5ELWbMyF_X60ZYwuBVdFgRr-YggAV78rg/viewform
For more information, please visit here
Info and contacts:
MDF Asia, Vietnam Office
Add: Room 501, A1 building, Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound,
298 Kim Ma Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: mdfasia@mdf.nl
Phone: 84 (0)24 6258 4438