JACOST 3 (Jakarta Course in Orthopaedic and Seminar in Trauma Management)
Tanggal: Sabtu – Minggu, 12 – 13 Juni 2021
Tempat: Zoom Webinar & Workshop (Novotel Cikini, Jakarta Pusat)
- JACOST 3 :Seminar : IDR 150 K
- Seminar & Workshop : IDR 550 K

PABOI DKI Jaya & Dept. of Orthopedic & Traumatology FKUI / RSCM presents ?
.JACOST 3 – Jakarta Course in Orthopaedic and Seminar in Trauma Management
Theme : REMOTE 19 (Reinventing Management of Emergency Orthopaedic Trauma
during COVID-19)
Featuring HYBRID COURSE!!!!
?Seminar Online ?(via Zoom Webinar)
? June 12th, 2021
- Prof. Dr. dr. Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo, SpOT(K)
Geriatric Fracture: What’s common? conservative vs operative - Dr. dr. Aryadi Kurniawan, SpOT(K)
Pediatric Fracture: what to do? conservative vs operative - dr. Wildan Latief, SpOT(K)
Upper Extremity Fracture: from fingertip to shoulder – conservative vs operative - dr. Radi Muharris Mulyana, SpOT(K)
Musculoskeletal Emergency in Covid-19 Pandemic: ethical issues and adaptations
- dr. M. Sadabaskara, SpOT (K)
- dr. M. Rizqi Adhi Primaputra, SpOT
MC: dr. M. Deryl Ivansyah, SpOT
? June 13th, 2021
? Novotel Cikini, Jakarta Pusat
- Splinting and casting on upper extremity fractures
- Fracture Xray analysis
- Immobilization on Muscle Tendon Ligament Injury
- Post op Wound Care and Rehab
COVID19 Health & Safety protocols applied
Link Registration : http://bit.ly/jacost3
Ikuti kegiatan kami di : https://www.instagram.com/paboidkijaya/
Contact Person: 081288045711 (Ayu)