ISCC (Information System Case Competition)
Tanggal: 15 October 2021 – 10 November 2021
Tempat: Zoom Conference
HTM: Rp. 300.000 (Lokal) / USD $25 (International)

Since its inception in 2014, ISCC has developed a reputation to become one of the most highly coveted case competitions in Indonesia, attracting the attention of top-ranked universities from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.
ISCC is a case competition that challenges its participants to think critically in order to produce and pitch an innovative and applicable solution for modern problems. Designed by world-class institutions and multinational corporations that encompass an array of relevant problems in modern-day society.
ISCCs’ cases have been highly praised by educators of prominent universities. In proportion to the quality cases, the competition will be judged by local and foreign Industry Experts and professionals
Info dan kontak:
LINE: crlannstrnt18 / shannonhalim_ / mftannia