IndoGlassTech Expo 2020
IndoGlassTech Expo 2020
Tanggal: 1–5 April 2020
Tempat: ICE, BSD Tangerang
Pukul: 10.00–21.00 WIB
HTM: Free

One of the world’s largest and fastest emerging economies, Indonesia continues accelerating infrastructure and property development projects as the most imminent challenges for a better positioning in the global economy. A strategic element of infrastructure and property sector development is the glass industry and technology, industrial glass products are increasingly required by the industrial, commercial and professional market segments.
The need for those glass products is on the upward trend in line with the continues growth residential property sectors in commercial and governmental building centers as well as specific infrastructure projects nationwide. The time is now high for industrial glass manufacturers to capture the best and the most from Indonesia’s flourishing infrastructure and property sectors. Even more, Indonesia’s automotive, manufacturing and interior product designing sectors are expecting the best from industrial glass technology advancements. Show and share the best of your industrial glass products at IndoGlassTech Expo 2020.
Info dan kontak:
Sales Inquiries:
Mr. Didik: +62 813 1105 0189 /
Mr. Alfin: +62 818 192 270 /
Mr. Bintang: +62 812 949 1758 /