Idea Fest 2019
Idea Fest 2019
Tanggal: 3-6 Oktober 2019
Tempat: Jakarta Convention Center (JCC)

“AGE OF PRIDE” theme is inspired by the many creative industry sub sectors in Indonesia that have been growing rapidly and have given us a sense of pride for being Indonesians.
We have so many talented individuals across the country whose goal is to make Indonesia thrive, be it through fashion, music, F&B, tech, and many other sectors. These individuals bring their own uniqueness and flavours into what they do, which have turned their works to what we consider as #KEBANGGAANINDONESIA.
Get more inspiration here! check our website for more info. Register yourself now!
Info dan kontak:
- Facebook: Ideafest
- Twiter & Instagram: @ideafestid
- Website: