Urban Sketch Fair – UK Petra Surabaya

Urban Sketch Fair – UK Petra Surabaya


Urban Sketch Fair - UK Petra Surabaya

Urban Sketch Fair is a program from himaartra that have three series of events which are workshop, competition, and exhibition. This program is dedicated to appreciate talents and interests of students from high school to university in sketching and train their sketching skills so they can produce visual media that is communicative and interactive.

Sacred architecture (also known as religious architecture) is a religious architectural practice concerned with the design and construction of places of worship and/or sacred or intentional space, such as churches,mosques, stupas, synagogues, and temples.



  1. Terbuka untuk siswa SMA sederajat hingga mahasiswa.
  2. Tidak ada ketentuan khusus dalam jurusan yang dipilih mahasiswa.
  3. Lomba dilakukan secara perorangan (bukan sebagai tim).


  1. Produk bertemakan “SACRED ARCHITECTURE”.
  2. Produk terdiri atas 1 objek bangunan penuh (bukan salah satu detail atau bagian objek bangunan; ex: detail pintu, jendela, dll).
  3. Produk diminta dalam bentuk:
    1. Hardcopy:
      1. Disajikan dalam kertas ukuran A4.
      2. Format sketsa dibebaskan kepada peserta (potrait atau landscape).
    2. Softcopy:
      1. Karya discan dengan format 300 dpi dan diburn ke dalam CD.
      2. Skala gambar disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.
  4. Produk dapat dilengkapi penyelesaian warna, satu (1) media.


  1. Karya dikirim dengan alamat pengiriman:
    • Tata Usaha Program Studi Arsitektur
    • Universitas Kristen Petra, Gedung P Lantai 6, Jl. Siwalankerto 142-146, 60236, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
  2. Menyertakan lampiran:
    • Bukti pembayaran pendaftaran lomba.
    • Fotocopy identitas peserta (Kartu Pelajar atau Kartu Tanda Penduduk atau Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa).
  3. Karya dan Lampiran dikemas secara rapi menggunakan amplop coklat.
  4. Kemasan diperuntukan “Panitia Lomba Urban Sketch Fair 2017”.


  1. Objek sketsa ditentukan oleh peserta, sesuai dengan tema lomba.
  2. Karya sketsa merupakan karya asli peserta.
  3. Produk sketsa tidak pernah diikutkan dalam kompetisi lomba apapun atau dipublikasikan sebelumnya.
  4. Tidak meletakkan identitas, baik nama terang maupun inisial dalam kertas produk.
  5. Satu peserta hanya diperbolehkan mengirimkan karyanya paling banyak dua (2) karya.
  6. Hak cipta karya tetap menjadi milik peserta, namun panitia memiliki hak publikasi setiap karya yang telah dikirim.
  7. Produk yang telah diterima oleh panitia akan menjadi hak panitia dan tidak dikembalikan kepada peserta.
  8. Setiap pelanggaran yang dilakukan peserta, yang dilakukan secara sengaja atau tidak disengaja, akan mendapatkan sanksi diskualifikasi.
  9. Keputusan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat.


  • Juara 1 : Rp. 1.250.000
  • Juara 2 : Rp. 1.000.000
  • Juara 3 : Rp. 750.000
  • Juara karya favorit : Rp. 300.000



  1. This competition is open for high school and university students.
  2. Students of any major can join this competition
  3. This competition will be done individually and not as a team


  1. The artwork’s theme is “SACRED ARCHITECTURE”.
  2. The artwork consists of 1 drawing of the building as a whole (not as one of the details such as windows, doors, etc).
  3. Works are requested in these forms:
    • Hardcopy:
      1. entrants must use A4 paper size
      2. Free to choose between portrait or landscape orientation.
    •  Softcopy:
      1. CD with the content of scanned work with the resolution of 300 dpi.
  4. There is no fixed scale for the artwork
  5. The final work can only be colored using one coloring media only.


  1. Works are submitted into this address:
    Tata Usaha Program Studi Arsitektur
    Universitas Kristen Petra
    Gedung P Lantai 6
    Jl. Siwalankerto 142-146
    Surabaya, Jawa Timur
  2. Includes these attachments:
    • Payment proof of the registration of this competition.
    • Photocopy of entrants ID (such as student ID, KTP ).
  3. Submitted work and the Attachments must be submitted using a brown envelope.
  4. Please write “Panitia Lomba Urban Sketch Fair 2017” on the envelope.


  1. Entrants can freely decide of the object that will be sketched as long as it fits the theme mentioned above.
  2. The work must be original.
  3. The work has never been included in any competitions before or has been published.
  4. The submitted paper must not contain the identity of the entrant.
  5. One entrant can only submit maximum two entries.
  6. Entrants retains the copyright of their works but the committee has the right to publish the works.
  7. Submitted works will not be returned to the entrants.
  8. Any violations of the rules will result in disqualification.
  9. The judges’ decision will be final and cannot be changed.


  • 1st winner : IDR 1.250.000
  • 2nd winner : IDR 1.000.000
  • 3rd winner : IDR 750.000
  • Favorite project : IDR 300.000


Info dan kontak:

  • 08118842420 (Mutiara)
  • line: @ehp2862h
  • email: urbansketch.fair@gmail.com
  • instagram: @usf_petra
  • http://himaartra.petra.ac.id/usf
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